Our Law Firm Specializes in Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Scooter Accidents
At BIKEWRECK, our experienced staff has recovered millions of dollars for injured 2 Wheel Riders. With offices in Atlanta and Augusta, our response time is second to none. Unlike some law firms that handle personal injury cases occasionally, our offices are devoted solely to handling negligence cases involving serious or catastrophic injuries and wrongful death cases.
Motorcyclists, bicyclists, and scooter riders who have used our services know our reputation for fast and dependable legal representation. Insurance coverage for 2 Wheel Riders is much different from typical 4 wheel vehicles. 2 Wheel accidents require a high level of experience to interpret the applicable insurance that is available for the claim. Our staff at BIKEWRECK knows all the in's and out's of a 2 Wheel claim to relieve you and your loved ones from the stressful and trick calls from the at fault driver's insurance company.
Before you talk to anyone about your 2 Wheel accident, call us at
1-855-BIKEWRECK for a free consultation. Also, we handle your property damage claims for free.

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